To the farmers who sell products (crops) by putting effort in the working process of installing windbreak in Japan

[JapanCROPs] executive office is looking for the farmers who sell products (crops) by putting effort in the working process of [Installing windbreak] in Japan. In this site, you can freely submit various information such as your products, your own information, and others that is related to the sales promotion of your crop which can linked to [Installing windbreak], to oversea and domestic people who is interested in Japanese crops .

If you have the environment where you use internet, you can use [JapanCROPs] free after completing the registration and our verification. You can browse and manipulate [JapanCROPs] by PC, smartphone and tablet terminal.

You can submit the information to oversea people and customers through [JapanCROPs] easily.

If you are intered in submitting your crop information, please register the information through this link. Or you need more information or questions, please free to contact us through contact form in [JapanCROPs].

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