This page provides explanation (overview, effects and efficacy) about Lipid.
Additionally, we are introducing of crops rich in Lipid. You can check what kind of crop (food) contains Lipid most. Also, you can see all the nutritional components and nutritional value of the agricultural product by clicking the link of the title of the grain, vegetables, fruits etc in the list.
Lipid is counted as one of the three major nutrients (protein, lipid, carbohydrate) or five major nutrients (protein, lipid, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals). It is essential nutrient as energy to move the body properly.
Lipid is an indispensable ingredient for producing nerve tissue, cell membrane, hormone, etc. in the body, as well as being used as an energy source to move the body. It is made of fatty acids and is contained in fat meat and lard (fat), corn oil, soybean oil, etc..
If it is not enough:
There is a possibility that energy becomes insufficient and tired easily.
The vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, K) that melts in the oil become less likely to be absorbed, and the condition of the body likely to be worsend.
Although it is considered that the lipid would be hard to be deficient if you are taking ordinary meals, if you diet such as extremely reducing lipid, you may lack it.
if taking too much
It tends to become obese. It also causes lifestyle diseases such as arteriosclerosis and dyslipidemia (hyperlipidemia).
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Source: [STANDARD TABLES OF FOOD COMPOSITION IN JAPAN - 2015 - (Seventh Revised Edition)](which is published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) []
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