This page provides explanation (overview, effects and efficacy) about Protein.
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Explanation (overview and effects) about [protein]
It is one of three major nutrients (Protein, Lipid, Carbohydrate) or five major nutrients (Protein, Lipid, Carbohydrate, Vitamin, Mineral). Protein is an indispensable nutrient to make various parts of the human body (skin, muscle, internal organs, hair etc).
Protein is essential nutrient for making various parts of human body such as muscle, internal organs, skin, nails, hair, and so on. And it is mainly made of amino acids.
Proteins can be classified into "animal protein" and "vegetable protein". "Animal protein" is contained in animal food such as meat, fish, shellfish, egg, dairy products, and "vegetable protein" is contained in vegetable foods such as beans and cereals in large amounts. Both are proteins, but since the type and amount of amino acids making it are different, let's eat foods containing each protein in a balanced way.
When it is digested, it is decomposed into amino acids, and the proteins and the enzymes that become materials for muscle, internal organs, skin, etc. are made in the body.
If it is not enough:
It is likely to become sick.
In the growth period, there is a possibility that it can not grow sufficiently.
if taking too much
There is a possibility of getting fat because energy which can not be consumed is left over.
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Source: [STANDARD TABLES OF FOOD COMPOSITION IN JAPAN - 2015 - (Seventh Revised Edition)](which is published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) []
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