CropsNo.: 33300

[ Districts / Municipalities ] Broccoli - Crops -

Broccoli - Crops - Districts / Municipalities - 1st picture/image
Picture: Broccoli
This page is providing the information on the municipality yield/acreage of Broccoli in ranking manner for 2005,. You can check district of Broccoli in Japanese municipality level.
Municipality [Broccoli] district - production ranking Top 100
You can check not only nationwide ranking but also each prefecture ranking for Broccoli, by clicking on [select prefecture] button.

Municipality [Broccoli] district - production ranking Top 100

Nationwide ranking

*The rows below for unicipalities are the lnk to jump to the district page of the corresponding municipality.

# Municipalities
Yield Amount Yield Amount
nationwide ranking
Crop Acreage Crop Acreage
nationwide ranking
Shipping Amount Shipping Amount
nationwide ranking
16 nijou-machi(Fukuoka-ken) 851(t) 16rank 74(ha) 20rank 792(t) 16rank
22 hamamatsu-shi(prev)(Shizuoka-ken) 644(t) 22rank 46(ha) 41rank 574(t) 23rank
31 tokubetsu-ku(prev)(Tokyo) 512(t) 30rank 50(ha) 35rank 453(t) 34rank
35 maebaru-shi(Fukuoka-ken) 479(t) 35rank 44(ha) 46rank 448(t) 35rank
38 kamiyuubetsu-cho(Hokkaido) 460(t) 38rank 50(ha) 35rank 431(t) 37rank
50 fujimi-mura(Gunma-ken) 398(t) 50rank 39(ha) 51rank 352(t) 53rank
61 kounann-machi(Saitama-ken) 340(t) 61rank 31(ha) 65rank 316(t) 62rank
92 kumamoto-shi(prev)(Kumamoto-ken) 216(t) 91rank 18(ha) 111rank 173(t) 103rank
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Data source, definition etc.

  • [1] Japan govement statics []
  •     We, APPRES, edit, process and reconstruct the data from the data source above, and we have published it in this page.

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